Get the automated systems and marketing plan that consistently deliver high-dollar, qualified leads. You’ll learn how to craft compelling messaging that gets clients excited to work with you. You’ll also map out a crystal clear vision for the future of your agency and set high but attainable revenue goals.


Convert more leads with strategies that are proven to get the sale. ​​You’ll learn how to position your agency so that you’re not just “a choice,” but “THE choice.” You’ll also learn how to create a client experience that inspires trust, loyalty, retention and recurring revenue.


Transform into the CEO of your agency and delegate to a team you trust to make the right decisions, even when you’re not around. You’ll get access to our agency-specific automations and team incentives for scaling. This is where the magic happens because you’ll be growing at breakneck speed, while spending LESS time working in your agency than ever before.

Our 8 System Framework Gives You The Freedom To Do What You Love. 

  • Are you frustrated that you don’t have predictability?
  • Are you struggling to get the clients that are happy to pay you what you're worth?
  • Did you hit a revenue plateau, and you are unclear of what you need to do next?
  • Are you having trouble seperating yourself from the competition?
  • Do you feel you have to do everything yourself?
  • Can you get your agency to a place where you will have the option to sell it when you’re ready?

"The best resource for growing an agency that I've seen. The program made me think different. It showed me how we could get out of working in the business and work on the business where we had massive growth and we even made the INC 500 list." 

Ralph Burns ~ Tier Eleven

Hi, I'm Jason Swenk.

I was a digital agency owner for 12 years before I sold my agency for over 8 figures and created the Agency Playbook Framework.

We've used these exact 8 systems to create another 8-figure agency in under 2 years.

Like many agency owners I admit, my business was based exclusively on referrals and I was working 24/7. I was constantly hustling, but getting nowhere fast. 

Even when I was physically out of the office, I was there mentally and it was starting to affect my personal relationships. 

Professionally, I was getting the same, like-minded clients, in the same old niches and was never able to break through my revenue plateau. I couldn’t grow. I couldn’t scale. I couldn’t charge what I wanted to be charging or even close to what I was worth. 

But then, everything changed.

I decided to go from reactive, putting out fires and spinning my wheels to a proactive Agency CEO, chief strategist, and master delegator.

I finally started working ON my agency, instead of just IN it. We grew to over 8 figures in under 2 years. 

I’ve poured every strategy, every template, every piece of advice that actually worked into the Agency Playbook®. The Agency Playbook® is the resource I would have wanted when I was an agency owner.  

The Agency Playbook® is distilled into 8 systems that you can rinse and repeat anytime you’re ready to grow your business and reach the next level of profitability. 

Don’t make the same mistakes I did. Don’t waste time and money trying to figure it all out on your own.  

Eliminate delays and costly mistakes by getting the proven framework that has helped hundreds of agency owners successfully scale AND get their lives back.

Who is the Agency Playbook for?

  • Creative agencies
  • SEO agencies
  • PPC agencies
  • Social agencies
  • Branding agencies
  • PR agencies
  • Development agencies
  • Content agencies
  • Email agencies

The 8-Step Framework to Predictable Profit

System 1: CLARITY: Is your goal to not have to deal directly with clients and individual accounts, and to be able to set up an organization where you can concentrate on growing the business without all of those distractions? In this system you will discover how to create and clearly communicate your vision to your agency. If they don't know the vision, they will make decisions based on what is best for them, versus what is best for the agency. You will be able to create a crystal clear path to where you are going, what you need to do, and what to say ‘no’ to. 

System 2: POSITIONING: Discover how to become an authority in your market, where you are attracting your ideal accounts, and not having to deal with the small accounts that eat up all your time. Position your agency as "The Choice" vs "A Choice."  

System 3: OFFERING: Discover the winning formula for the order of services and products you should offer, what you should charge for your services that will be extremely profitable? 

System 4: PROSPECTING: Identify what and where you need to be in order to increase leads and convert the leads into opportunities. From the low hanging fruit that can bring in immediate revenue, outbound strategies, inbound strategies, how to build the right strategic partnerships, and how your agency can capture and convert the ideal leads and opportunities. 

System 5: SALES: From qualifying leads, converting at a high percentage, drafting a proposal, how to handle objections, to building a sales team, you will discover how to increase your sales. 

System 6: DELIVERY: Find ways to streamline your delivery for more profit, avoid scope creep, and learn how to take on more work with limited resources. Get the exact process for protecting yourself on delivering work to the client including all of the documents we used: change order forms, creative brief, questionnaires. Also, learn ways to interpret what the client really wants, obtain sign-offs, and so much more. 

System 7: OPERATIONS: Running a business is hard! Discover how to increase your cash flow, how to bonus your team, and how NOT to give your employees ownership while giving them incentives and a sense of ownership. Also discover who and when to hire as I walk you through the ORG chart you need in order to scale your agency. 

System 8: LEADERSHIP: Discover how to transition from an Agency owner to an Agency CEO, position your agency for acquisition, how to build an amazing culture that attracts the top talent, plus how and why to setup an advisory board.

“I was able to go from $14,000 one month to $39,000 the next month by closing an upfront retainer of $30,000. We just closed another $40,000 retainer. We are now 4 months in and we are currently looking at $86,000 in revenue this month with $30,000 being MRR for the next 12 months.”

Jon Boles, Avintiv Media

You Can't Afford To Guess Anymore!

How much is not having the right systems in place costing you? How many potential clients are choosing your competition? How much profit are you losing because of scope creep? Can potential clients understand why they need your help? You can't afford to guess anymore!

“These systems will save you literally years of work. You’ll be able to do more of what you love to do.”  

You don’t know what you don’t know. But learning from someone who's been there and done it is the best way to figure it out. Ian Garlic owns a video marketing agency and says if he’d had access to the Agency Playbook® sooner it would have shaved off years from his learning curve at his agency. By implementing the systems in the Agency Playbook®, Ian is able to more of what he enjoys and less of the stuff he doesn’t.

“We were doing about $400K in annual revenue before we met Jason. Since then we’ve added $1M and are on track to be a $2.5M agency by next year.”  

Matt, like many agency owners I know, was losing money hand over fist. He hired coaches and did all his “required reading” from gurus and entrepreneurial experts, but found every resource lacking in agency-specific advice. Luckily, everything changed for Mark when he found the Agency Playbook. In his first year he added $1M in revenue to his agency and is on track to add another $2.5M in year 2!

“Now, I only work Monday-Thursday. Life is good. Every weekend I go somewhere in the mountains and play!”  

Running an agency is hard most of the time and many owners end up doing everything themselves while works 7 days a week. There’s a better way! Check out Lisa Slagle’s story about how she was able to add 3 members to her team, buy office space, and now works only 4 days per week… All this only took one year to implement after she implemented the strategies and tactics in the Agency Playbook ®.

“We went from a 7-figure agency to an 8-figure agency.”  

Derek Champaign was running a successful 7-figure digital agency when they lost some key accounts and the agency started to struggle. This turned out to be a blessing in disguise when Derek came across the Agency Playbook ®. Within one year not only recovered from major loss but actually grew from into an 8-figure agency. Check out Derek’s story here.

“We went from doing $200K one year to last year we did over $1M.”

Chase Highley, Greenstone Media

“The Agency Playbook helped me realize I was not charging enough and within 10 days of finishing it I had renegotiated new, higher rates with a current client.”

Annie, Downstage Media

“We went from not being able to make payroll to landing our biggest sale ever just 9 days after going through the Agency Playbook.”

Aman Birdi, Digiruu